
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Galveston wedding planner behind the Moment

Behind the Moment: 
When I started this business I honestly thought that wedding planners did EVERY thing, but boy did I quickly realize how untrue that was. Truth is a good planner is great at KNOWING who does what and well, and that's in combination with the details that she (he) manages daily. From budgets - time lines- schedules -room blocks - personal assistant- bridal party wrangler- confidant. Now ...on occasion some of us wear more hats because it just our gifting. I struggled to find my first paying clients, spent countless hours studying, developing procedures, and growing a team. If I knew then what I knew now I'm not sure if I would have jumped, but I have no regrets. Over the next few weeks I plan to pull back the veil on my team members so you can put a face with the group of ladies who make it work here. I have yet to arrive, but my prayer is that my gifts will continue to be stirred, and make room for me. To sum it up I am thankful for every Moment that I have been given the opportunity to collaborate on, thankful for family and friends alike who have stepped in to help a sister out, thankful for a husband who supports me even when he is over hearing about wedding details y'all, and my 3BG's because it's all for them and HECK yeah ..momma will get to plan those Moments too.

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